85 research outputs found

    Role of procedural justice, organizational commitment and job satisfaction on job performance: The mediating effects of organizational citizenship behavior

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    The study examines the impact of procedural justice, organizational commitment, job satisfaction on employee performance, and the potential mediating role played by organization citizenship behaviors in that process. This model was tested using a sample of 70 employees embedded in 2 groups from 15 branches of a large, syariah bank in Malang. The sample is taken using proportional random sampling. Data is collected directly from respondents using questionnaires and technical data analysis using GeSCA. The study results showed that both procedural justice and organizational commitment positively affected Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Organizational commitments do positive influence job performance. Job satisfaction did not positively influence Organizational Citizenship Behavior and job performance. Organizational Citizenship behavior positively influences job performance. Organizational Citizenship behavior acted as a partial mediator between procedural justice, organizational commitment, and job performance. A number of suggestions on managerial theory and implementation were proposed

    Peran workplace spirituality sebagai moderator pengaruh soft total quality management (TQM) terhadap efektivitas organisasi: Studi pada BRI Syariah Kantor Cabang Sidoarjo

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui spiritual leadership berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan kerja, spiritual leadership berpengaruh terhadap kinerja organisasi, kepuasan kerja berpengaruh terhadap kinerja organisasi, kepuasan kerja memediasi pengaruh spiritual leadership terhadap kinerja organisasi, workplace spirituality memoderasi pengaruh spiritual leadership terhadap kepuasan kerja. Populasi dan sampel adalah pegawai Bank BRI syariah Sidoarjo sejumlah 105 orang. Analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi moderasi. Spiritual leadership mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja, spiritual leadership dapat mengubah aspirasi, identitas, kebutuhan, pilihan dan nilai para pengikut sedemikian rupa sehingga menimbulkan efek moderasi pada evaluasi diri pegawai di dalam menilai dampak kepemimpinan. Spiritual leadership berpengaruh terhadap kinerja, hal ini dikarenakan spiritual leadership memberi inspirasi kepada yang dipimpin untuk bekerja bersama – sama dalam mencapai tujuan organisasi. Kepuasan kerja sebagai variabel mediasi sebagian (partial mediation) pengaruh spiritual leadership terhadap kinerja organisasi

    Obtaining factors affecting innovative work behavior (IWB) of a local bank employees under Islamic leadership: application of partial least squares method

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    This study aims were: 1) to know the direct effect of Islamic Leadership on Islamic Performance, 2) to know the direct effect of Empowerment on Innovative Work Behavior, 3) to test the role of Empowerment as mediation the effect of Islamic Leadership on Islamic Performance, 4) to test the role of Innovative Work Behavior as mediation the effect of Islamic Leadership on Islamic Performance. The population was all employees of Bank Jatim Syariah at Surabaya Center Office. It was consisted of Bank Jatim Syariah at Surabaya Branch Office and Kediri Branch Office. Samples were selected by proportional random sampling and data was analyzed ..

    Knowledge management implementation, strategic human resource practices and organizational performance mediated by strategic planning

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    This study purpose is to determine the direct effect of strategic HR practices and knowledge management on organization performance, and to examine whether the strategic planning is a mediating variable. This study is conducted at Mandiri Islamic Bank in Malang, East Java. This is explanatory research type, with questionnaire as a tool for data collection. Analysis unit is employee of Independent Islamic banks in Malang. Data is analyzed by path analysis using SPSS. Analysis results showed that knowledge management affect on strategic planning, while strategic HR practices has no effect. Strategic HR practices directly affect on organization performance. Strategic planning mediates the affect of knowledge management on organizational performance. Knowledge management has indirect effect on organizational performance. It is necessary for good planning strategy. Using innovation, opinions sharing, employee’s involvement in decision making process will create better strategic planning, which in turn will affect on organizational performance. Strategic HR practices affect on organization performance because HR become vital resource for companies. Without HR role, automatically organizational performance can not be maximized. Islamic banking leader need to socialize to employees how to apply knowledge management rightly. High SOP allows a leader to motivate and affect subordinates by exchanging rewards with specific performance

    Strategi Inovasi Kepala Madrasah dalam Membangun Smart Learning Ecosystem di MA Al Irtiqo' IIBS Malang

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    Sekolah mengalami lompatan kontinuitas di era inovasi disrupsi. Kepala sekolah memiliki peran penting dalam melaksanakan inovasi di berbagai aspek untuk menyesuaikan dengan tuntutan dan perkembangan zaman. Berbagai platform pembelajaran digital yang sebelumnya hanya digunakan sekolah elit sekarang digunakan di semua sekolah. Untuk memaksimalkan pembelajaran digital, perlu melibatkan seluruh elemen ekosistem di sekolah sehingga sekolah mampu melaksanakan pembelajaran digital dan manajemen digital. Semua elemen sekolah mendukung, lingkungan terbentuk dan dapat bertahan dengan baik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dilaksanakan di MA Al Irtiqo’ International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) Malang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi inovasi yang dilakukan kepala madrasah dimulai dengan melakukan identifikasi masalah yang dihadapi dan memerlukan solusi mendesak, menentukan sasaran program sekolah baik secara internal maupun eksternal, mengumpulkan ide untuk solusi dari maslaah yang dihadapi, memilih ide terbaik, melaksanakan ide dalam aksi nyata, melakukan evaluasi. Adapun inovasi dalam membangun smart learning ecosystem dilakuakn dengan strategi implementasi digital secara komprehensif terkait seluruh elemen ekosistem sekolah, yaitu; spesies sekolah (guru, kepala sekolah, siswa, tenaga kependidikan, wali siswa), relationship (hubungan yang sehat antar spesies), health (budaya sekolah yang sehat dan unggul), Adaptability (kemampuan adaptasi terhadap digitalisasi pembelajaran dan manajemen sekolah), dan pemilihan strategi dan inovasi yang dilaksanakan sekolah untuk mensukseskan pembentukan smart learning ecosystem. Salah satunya adalah dengan bekerjasama dengan pihak eksternal dalam bidang penyediaan platform digital, yaitu dengan aplikasi Edupongo yang menyediakan fitur fitur pembelajaran, manajemen sekolah, score nilai, presensi dan komunikasi realtime dengan orang tua siswa.Keywords: Strategi Inovasi, Kepala Madrasah, Smart Learning Ecosyste

    Relationship between human resource management (HRM) practices and organizational performance moderated by organizational commitment

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    The main purpose of this study is to determine how relationship between Human resource management (HRM) practices and organizational performance, and to establish whether organization's commitment moderate the relationship between HRM practices and organizational performance. This study is considered as quantitative research. Population was employees of PT Bank Syariah Mandiri, with amount 60 employees. Data for the three variables were collected through a questionnaire. Analysis technique used was regression moderation. Research results showed that there was a close relationship between HRM practices and organizational performance, and the relationship become closer when organizational commitment included as a moderating variable. Proud and feel part of organization, making employees always strive to provide more value to organization, loyal to organization, mutual aid among others and providing support, indirectly will improve organizational performance

    The antecedent of employee performance

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    In order to compete competitively, the principle of corporate management must be changed The employees need a good leader as the engine driving the company's activities to achieve performance. The loss of discipline will affect the efficiency and effectiveness of the work. If discipline cannot be enforced then the possibility of a set goal is not achieved. Performance reflects how well employees meet job requirements. This research was conducted at PT. PLN (Persero) Area Kediri, with a sample of 50 respondents. The type of research used is quantitative. Data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed using (path analysis). The results of this study indicate that Leadership directly affects employee performance and work discipline mediates leadership on employee performance

    The impacts of transformational leadership and organizational commitment on job performance with the among lecturers of faculty in the Islamic Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang University : The mediating effects of organizational citizenship behaviour

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    Little empirical research has looked at causal relationships between transformational leadership, organizational commitment and OCB of lecturers. Eventhough some theories explain the antecedents of employee’s performance, there are still limited number of empirical studies related to that variable which tests the corelation of transformational leadership and the commitment to OCB of lecturers’. The purpose of this article is to examine leadership sytle (transformational), organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) as antecedents of lecturer’s performance. The population of the research were 333 lecturers of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang, East Java of Indonesia. Data were collected through four questionnaires. This research used the statistical methods of multivariate regression and path analysis for data analysis. The findings denoted that the variables of transformational leadership and organizational commitment had a positive effect on the lecturers’ job performance. Organizational commitment had direct and positive effect on the organizational citizenship behavior. While organizational citizenship behavior automatically predicted the lecturers’ job performance. Hence, Transformational leadership had a direct and positive effect on the lecturer’s job performance

    Spiritual leadership and Islamic organizational citizenship behavior: examining mediation-moderated process

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    Islamic Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (IOCB), to decide the Islamic Work Ethics as the mediator of Spiritual Leadership to the IOCB, and to inquire about political skills as a moderating variable. It is conducted in the State Islamic Religious Higher Education (PTKIN) around East Java. Data are directly collected from respondents through questionnaires. The study has employed the Partial Least Square (PLS) to analyse data collected from lecturers of State Islamic Religious Higher Education around East Java. The results suggest that Spiritual Leadership has a significant influence on the Islamic Organisational Citizenship Behaviour, that Islamic Work Ethics mediate Spiritual Leadership towards the Islamic Organisational Citizenship Behaviour, and that Political Skill is not a moderating variable. Leaders may influence the employee's work behaviour by fostering a conducive work environment and promoting spirituality in the workplace. Political skills can strengthen spiritual leadership relations with IOCB when it is supported by the motivation, confidence, and empowerment of the subordinates

    Leadership styles as a predictor of the voluntary work behaviors of bank employees

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    This study aims to expand the literature on Transformational Leadership (TL) and Job Satisfaction (JS) to explain Voluntary Work Behavior. Two important aspect of the quality of human resources that have significant implications on organizational performance are Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) and Counterproductive Work Behavior (CWB). The mechanism to determine the moderation effect of emotional intelligence on the proposed theoretical model is also evaluated. The sample consist of 140 employees of PT Bank Syariah as a State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) in Malang. The results show that TL and JS contribute significantly to Voluntary Work Behavior. The findings show that TL can increase OCB, while in contrast it can reduce CWB. The result also show that job satisfaction mediated the relationship between TL and OCB. The effect of Emotional Intelligence as a moderating variable was also confirme
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